What's special about Ecuador?

Ecuador can be for much an unknown country, the reality is that it is more beautiful than any other, Ecuador, that very small country in South America has the highest number of plants and animals per square kilometer on the planet.

Why is it called Ecuador?

The name clearly responds to the geographical location of the country, on the famous imaginary line of the equator that divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres. This name was acquired in 1830 after the separation of the territory of Gran Colombia.


  What are significant things about Ecuador?

Ecuador is the closest country to space. ... Ecuador is the only country in the world named after a geographical feature. ... Ecuador has the world's first UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

touristic place

Chimborazo volcano
Chimborazo, towering 20,560 feet above the coastal lands on one side, and over the Amazon jungle on the other, Chimborazo is the highest peak in Ecuador and the seventeenth in the world. A curiosity about Chimborazo is that its summit is the farthest point on the earth's surface from the center of the planet. The upper part of Mount Chimborazo is completely covered by glaciers, with arms to the northeast that go down to 4,600 meters above sea level. Its glacier is the source of water for the population of the Ecuadorian provinces of Bol铆var and Chimborazo.

Galapagos National Park The Galapagos National Park is a national park of Ecuador. It was founded in 1959 and became the first national park in the country. It covers around 7,995.4 km², 97% of the Galapagos Islands. The areas of the Galapagos National Park that you can visit are clearly defined and distributed in almost all the main islands of the archipelago. There are about 70 land visitor sites and 62 marine visitor sites. Most of the tourist sites have their access by sea and that is why tourism is developed mainly through organized groups. Each group goes with a guide authorized by the Park, and they arrive at the visiting sites aboard tourist boats. There are also sites on the four populated islands (Santa Cruz, San Crist贸bal, Isabela and Floreana), with land access, where visits without a guide are allowed.

El Panecillo
El Panecillo es una elevaci贸n natural de 3.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar, enclavada en el coraz贸n mismo de la ciudad de Quito. Un atractivo tur铆stico de la capital de Ecuador que no pueden dejar de visitar.

typical food

fish stew
In the Amazonian region of Ecuador, Maito is cooked by wrapping the fish in the leaf of the banana plant. It is served accompanied by yucca, rice or patacones. Needless to say, it is a very tasty dish that will delight fish lovers.

Las Humitas, are actually of Peruvian origin, but it has spread to other regions. The dish consists of corn paste wrapped and cooked in the husks of a corn cob. They are served with eggs, avocado, onions, and seasoned with different spices. There are sweet and savory ones.

To prepare the Bolones, plantains (green plantains) are used. These are flattened and cooked to form a dough, which is filled with cheese, chicharr贸n or chorizo. Ideal for breakfast, accompanied by a fried egg, chili, and a cup of Ecuadorian coffee.

As in many other Latin American countries, Patacones (fried green plantains) are an essential part of Ecuadorian gastronomy. They generally serve as an accompaniment to many dishes, so much so that it could be said that there is not a single typical dish that does not have them.


P铆llaro's Diablada -

Festival of Innocents) is a unique cultural expression in the country, currently declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ecuador; their games (groups of participants from different communities) are made up of various characters (devils, guarichas line couples, capariches) who perform their dance to the rhythm of village bands both in their communities of origin and in the main streets of the P铆llaro canton.

Rodeo Montubio - Coast
The montubio rodeo is a tradition born from the cowboys who are inhabitants of the rural areas of the Ecuadorian coast. This event is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the skills of the rider, these skills are learned in their daily work. A competition where the best cowboy gets a prize.

Amorphous - Coast
The amorphous ones are short oral expressions, and they are composed in a poetic way, they are generally sung. They are used to romantically conquer Montubio women, who receive their reply in the same way. It is a tradition that is carried out in the feast of the montubios.


Access to Information Communication Technologies (ICT) is a right of all citizens. For this reason, the Government of the Citizen Revolution, through the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society, promotes the development of society with first class technological services, through access to the Internet, provision of equipment and training for children. , youth and adults of the country.

Words are not enough and for this reason we demonstrate with figures and statistics that telecommunications services in Ecuador have grown remarkably. For example, in 2006, six out of every 100 Ecuadorians had Internet access; In 2012, 60 out of every 100 Ecuadorians had Internet access.

Likewise, in the last three years, Ecuador improved its position in the network technology availability index and registered better performance in terms of telephony and Internet access services.
